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From sick leave to appreciation: The influence of ergonomic aids on working atmosphere and employer branding

Stand: 15.08.2024

The picture shows a man using a CargoMaster stair climber for loads to transport a very large metal cupboard up a staircase to the second floor without assistance.

In der modernen Arbeitswelt spielt die Zufriedenheit und Motivation der Mitarbeiter eine entscheidende Rolle für den langfristigen Erfolg eines Unternehmens. Doch gerade in Berufen, die körperlich anspruchsvoll sind, wie dem Transport schwerer Lasten, stoßen Mitarbeiter oft an ihre Grenzen. Hier setzen ergonomische Lösungen wie Lastentreppensteiger an, die nicht nur die körperliche Belastung reduzieren, sondern auch das Wohlbefinden und die Arbeitsmoral erheblich steigern können. In diesem Beitrag beleuchten wir, wie der Einsatz von Treppensteigern den Arbeitsalltag erleichtert und gleichzeitig die Motivation und Zufriedenheit der Mitarbeiter fördert – und warum diese Investition für Unternehmen auf lange Sicht so profitabel ist.

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1. Schweres Heben in der Praxis: Unterschiedliche Branchen und ihre Herausforderungen

Key points of this chapter

Körperliche Überlastung durch das Heben und Tragen schwerer Lasten verursacht häufig langfristige Gesundheitsschäden wie Rücken- und Gelenksprobleme. Dies betrifft unter anderem Branchen wie Logistik, Facility Management, Umzüge, Bauwesen, Einzel- und Großhandel sowie den Eventbau. Diese Belastungen senken die Arbeitsleistung und Mitarbeiterzufriedenheit.

Physical overload is one of the most common causes of long-term health problems among employees, especially in industries that regularly have to carry heavy loads up and down stairs. Regularly lifting and carrying excessive weights can lead to chronic back problems, joint damage and other physical complaints. These health impairments not only reduce work performance, but can also significantly reduce employee motivation and satisfaction.

Ein typisches Beispiel ist die Logistik- und Versandbranche, in der häufig schwere Pakete, Paletten mit Waren oder sogar Haushaltsgeräte wie Waschmaschinen und Kühlschränke über Treppen transportiert werden müssen. Ohne geeignete Hilfsmittel sind die Mitarbeiter hohen Belastungen ausgesetzt, was das Verletzungsrisiko erheblich erhöht.

Im Facility Management und der Gebäudereinigung sind es oft Reinigungsgeräte wie Industriestaubsauger, Hochdruckreiniger oder Eimer mit Wasser und Reinigungsmitteln, die über mehrere Stockwerke hinweg getragen werden müssen. Auch hier führt das ständige Heben und Tragen schwerer Lasten zu körperlichen Belastungen, die langfristig zu Schäden führen können.

Umzugsunternehmen stehen regelmäßig vor der Herausforderung, Möbel, Kartons, Haushaltsgeräte oder auch schwere Schränke und Klaviere über enge Treppenhäuser zu transportieren. Diese Tätigkeiten sind nicht nur körperlich anstrengend, sondern auch gefährlich, wenn keine geeigneten Hilfsmittel zur Verfügung stehen.

In der Bau- und Handwerksbranche müssen schwere Baumaterialien wie Zementsäcke, Ziegel, Rohre und Werkzeuge oft in höhere Stockwerke gebracht werden. Besonders auf Baustellen ohne Aufzug stellt dies eine erhebliche Belastung für die Mitarbeiter dar.

Auch im Einzelhandel und Großhandel gibt es Situationen, in denen Waren wie schwere Kartons mit Vorräten, Getränkekisten oder große Elektrogeräte über Treppen transportiert werden müssen, um sie in Lager oder Verkaufsräume zu bringen.

Auch im Event- und Messebau müssen oft schwere Bühnenelemente, technische Ausrüstung oder Dekorationen über mehrere Etagen transportiert werden, was ebenfalls eine erhebliche körperliche Belastung darstellt.

The picture shows a middle-aged woman using a CargoMaster stair climber for loads to carry five large green baskets of groceries up and down stairs at once. The woman looks very relaxed and hardly needs any strength.

Branchen im Überblick

  • Logistik- und Versand

  • Facility Management

  • Gebäudereinigung

  • Umzugsunternehmen

  • Handwerksbranche

  • Baubranche

  • Einzelhandel

  • Großhandel

  • Exhibition construction

2. Reduktion von Krankheitsausfällen und ihre positiven Auswirkungen auf das Betriebsklima

Key points of this chapter

Sickness absence due to physical overload causes high costs and reduces productivity. Ergonomic aids can reduce these problems and improve employee satisfaction and the working atmosphere by increasing stability and team dynamics and boosting productivity.

Physical overload is one of the most common causes of long-term health problems among employees, especially in industries that regularly have to carry heavy loads up and down stairs. Regularly lifting and carrying excessive weights can lead to chronic back problems, joint damage and other physical complaints. These health impairments not only reduce work performance, but can also significantly reduce employee motivation and satisfaction.

Reducing sickness absence due to physical overload

Sickness absence is a considerable burden for companies. They not only lead to direct costs in the form of sick pay and replacement costs, but also to indirect costs such as reduced productivity and increased stress levels among the remaining employees. In industries where physically demanding tasks such as transporting heavy loads are commonplace, such absences are particularly frequent. However, the implementation of ergonomic aids can significantly help to reduce these problems and have a positive impact on the working environment.

Positive effects on the working atmosphere

Less sick leave contributes to a better working atmosphere as it has various positive effects on the working environment and the team. Some important reasons can be

Stability and reliability:

When fewer employees are absent due to illness, the workforce remains more stable. This leads to fewer interruptions in work processes and more continuous teamwork. Reduced sickness absence means that fewer substitutes and additional workloads are required for the remaining employees. This reduces stress and contributes to a more pleasant working environment. A company that takes measures to prevent sickness absence shows that it cares about the well-being of its employees.

The picture shows two men from a delivery service transporting two large parcels. They do not look stressed. The picture is symbolic of smooth workflows without delays in processing.

3. Wertschätzung durch den Arbeitgeber: Investition in hochwertige Hilfsmittel

Key points of this chapter

Ergonomic aids are crucial for reducing physical strain in the workplace and signal appreciation on the part of the employer. These investments increase employee satisfaction, motivation and commitment, lead to lower staff turnover and reduce fatigue and stress.

In today's working world, it is essential for companies to take care of not only the economic but also the health concerns of their employees. One of the most effective ways to do this is to purchase appropriate ergonomic equipment specifically designed to reduce physical strain in the workplace. Such investments are not only functional measures, but also a clear message of appreciation from the employer. This appreciation can have a significant positive impact on employee morale and motivation.

Positive effects on morale and increased motivation

Increased employee satisfaction: When employees feel supported and valued, their satisfaction with the workplace increases. Ergonomic aids that reduce physical strain help employees to feel more comfortable in their working environment. This increased satisfaction has a positive effect on their general morale.

Motivation and commitment: The perception that the employer is actively investing in improving working conditions boosts employee motivation. They feel more motivated to give their best as they see that their physical and emotional needs are being taken into account.

Lower fluctuation: Companies that care about the well-being of their employees tend to have lower employee turnover. Employees who feel valued are less likely to leave the company, resulting in a more stable and experienced workforce.

Reducing fatigue and stress: Ergonomic tools help to minimize physical strain, leading to less fatigue and stress. Employees who are under less physical strain are more productive and focused, which increases their productivity.

The picture shows an employee of a craftsman's business using a CargoMaster stair climber to transport a large, heavy roll of material up or down an external staircase. He is operating the stair climber alone and does not need any assistance to transport the heavy load.

4. improvement of employer branding through healthy working conditions

Key points of this chapter

Strong employer branding requires healthy working conditions. Investing in the health and well-being of employees strengthens the company's image as an attractive employer and improves employee retention. Appreciation through ergonomic workplaces, healthy nutrition and flexible working hours makes the company more attractive to applicants and reduces fluctuation, which contributes to long-term success and a positive employer image.

In today's highly competitive world of work, strong employer branding is crucial to a company's success. The employer brand influences not only the ability to attract talented employees, but also their long-term loyalty to the company. A key factor that can significantly improve employer branding is healthy working conditions. Investing in the health and well-being of employees not only helps to increase productivity, but also strengthens the company's positive image as an attractive employer.

Healthy working conditions as a component of employer branding

Signs of appreciation: Creating healthy working conditions shows employees that their health and well-being are valued. Ergonomic workstations, healthy eating options and flexible working hours are an expression of an appreciative corporate culture. Such investments send a strong signal to employees that their health is of central importance to the company.

Attractiveness as an employer: Companies that invest in creating healthy working conditions position themselves as attractive employers. Applicants are increasingly looking for jobs that not only offer good pay, but also a healthy and supportive working environment. A positive working environment can make all the difference when it comes to standing out from other employers.

Long-term employee retention: A healthy work environment contributes to employee retention. Employees who feel comfortable and whose health needs are taken into account show greater loyalty to their employer. This reduces staff turnover and the associated costs of recruiting and training new employees.

In summary, improving working conditions can make a decisive contribution to strengthening employer branding. Companies that actively look after the health and well-being of their employees not only position themselves as responsible employers, but also strengthen their image as an attractive and progressive workplace. Invest in the well-being of your employees and experience the positive effects on your employer branding.

2. our effective solution: how stair climbers make everyday work easier

Key points of this chapter

The CargoMaster stair climber makes it easier to transport heavy loads up and down stairs, reduces the physical strain on employees and minimizes the risk of injury. The use of this device reduces sickness absence and health problems, resulting in more efficient working practices and cost savings.

In a demanding work environment where lifting and transporting heavy loads is a daily task, the CargoMaster stair climber is an innovative and indispensable solution. This state-of-the-art device is designed to overcome the challenges of stair transportation while significantly reducing the physical strain on employees.

Optimized performance with maximum safety

The CargoMaster stair climber was developed to transport heavy loads effortlessly and safely up and down stairs. With its advanced technology and robust design, it handles stair transportation with ease, significantly reducing the physical strain on employees. By effectively shifting loads onto the device, the risk of injury and the likelihood of accidents at work are minimized. This results in a safer working environment and protects your most valuable resource - your employees.

Reduction in sickness absence

By implementing the CargoMaster stair climber in your company, the physical strain caused by lifting and carrying heavy loads is significantly reduced. This has a direct impact on the health of your employees. Less physical strain reduces the risk of health complaints such as back pain and joint problems. This leads to a noticeable reduction in sickness absence and ensures a more stable and productive workforce.

Increased efficiency and cost savings

Using the CargoMaster stair climber not only increases the efficiency of your work processes, but can also result in significant cost savings. Reducing the manpower required to transport stairs means that your employees can use their time more productively. It also reduces the cost of short-term sickness cover and long-term health problems caused by physical overload.

Summary: A future-proof investment

The CargoMaster stair climber is more than just a tool - it is an investment in the future of your company. With its ability to transport heavy loads efficiently and safely, it makes a significant contribution to improving working conditions and increasing employee satisfaction. Make your employees' day-to-day work easier, minimize the risk of injury and sick leave and position your company as a modern and attractive employer.

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